Architectural Review Committee

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is a committee appointed by the Board of Trustees.  The ARC is responsible for the review and approval of all plans of construction for new construction, all modifications and alterations to the exterior of all structures, all new and major modifications to site plans and landscaping plans. Guidance to the review and approval exercised by the ARC shall come from the Covenants, Conditions, Reservations, Restrictions and Easements for Monticello Subdivision and Supplements as registered with the Stark County Recorder.  The ARC is here to assist homeowners and protect homeowner investment.   Members of the committee are Mark Atleson, Jeff Barber, Mike Hecht, Pat Hoover, Nancy Lacher, and Steve Neisel.
All requests to the ARC for new building must be submitted on the ARC Review Application, and any materials, if applicable, must be available for the ARC review, along with any required fees.  We have provided examples of an appropriate site plan. An example of landscaping plans can be found here.  For renovations to existing homes please use the form for Smaller Projects.  Each submission is unique in what may be required given the nature of the project, but sample requirements are available for review by the homeowner or contractor.  Submissions and sample materials may be dropped off at the Barn office.  After the ARC meets to review a submission, a communication will be prepared summarizing the results of the review.  Please note that additional information may be requested by the ARC after the initial submission.  No projects should commence until an approval is received from the ARC.  If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the office or a board member.
The streetlights that are located throughout the neighborhood are maintained by the Association.  The wiring for the streetlights is located on various property lines. Please note that if you have your utilities marked prior to any digging, it may not indicate the location of the streetlight wiring.  Therefore, a map of the wiring location is available here or for pick up in the Barn office.  Any damage to the electric lines will be the responsibility of the homeowner.